Playstation Info
1. What is your EXACT PSN? (The PSN you will be using for MoV)
2. What is your past experience with FPS(first person shooters)?
Well i'll just give you the PS3 ones. So they're: RFOM, RFOM 2, KZ2, BF:BC, COD4 and countless demos.
Clan History
3. What is your clan history?
Well i'm in mostly in clans dedicated in one game/series but there mostly inactive.
4. Are you currently in another clan on a different game?
Yes, they're: BROES KZ2 and BAMF COD4.
Activity & Timezone
5. What time zone are you in? (if you don't know just say what country/state you are in)
EST or better known as Eastern.
6. Do you promise to be an active and helpful member in this community?
Well i have alot coming up in the near future so i'll try. I might be not as active on the forums but if we do practices and etc. I'll be happy to participate.
About Joining the Clan
7. Explain in a short paragraph(3-5 sentences) why you want to join Men Of Valor, and why we should let you in. (NOTE: Grammar counts, if you can't speak English well, say so)
I'm awesome that's why! Well I'm a catalyst in strategy and like to try new things out. I usually take the initiative to do tasks, both real life and virtual. Also i know a lot about ordnance.
8. Do you have any referral(s)? If so, name them.
None that i want to mention.
9. Do you have a method to communicate with and to the clan? (Via msn, mic on PS3 etc.)
Yes, PS3 official mic and the XMB messaging interface.
[b][color=red]*By posting this application, I agree to the clan rules, and agree to try my b