Real Name(optional): Jeff
Age: 30
Location/Timezone: Jacksonville, FL / Eastern
Gaming Experience: Hopelessy addicted since the Atari 2600. Been a little tired of FPS for a while (Call of Duty burned me out), but MAG has ignited that spark again. It will probably take me a little while to get back to where I was (especially with all the objectives and knowing where to be and when) but I am a fast learner.
Clan Experience: never an "official" clan... just a group of friends.
Area of Specialty: Run N Gun, but so far I have really enjoyed being a medic in MAG.
Gaming Times: M-F: usually between 9pm-1am EST,
Sat: who knows, but usually pretty late.
Sun: 10am-3pm and 10pm-1am
Hope to get some playing time in with all of you soon!