Playstation Info
1. What is your EXACT PSN? (The PSN you will be using for MoV) Leonjrich
2. What is your past experience with FPS(first person shooters)?I have been playin on my own with COD3, COD4, W@W, and now MAG
Clan History
3. What is your clan history?I have never been in a Clan. A few guys at my work started something but nothing big
4. Are you currently in another clan on a different game?No I am not
Activity & Timezone
5. What time zone are you in? (if you don't know just say what country/state you are in)I am currently stationed overseas in Germany
6. Do you promise to be an active and helpful member in this community? I promise to do my best. Unfortunelty I am in the Military and I have to deploy and go to a lot of field problems where I could be gone for weeks or possibly a year. But when I am back I will be on everynight and post regularly
About Joining the Clan
7. Explain in a short paragraph(3-5 sentences) why you want to join Men Of Valor, and why we should let you in. (NOTE: Grammar counts, if you can't speak English well, say so) Well I can truthfully say that I have served with many real Men of Valor. I have noticed how professional your Clan is and would be proud to make you my first. I have seen many acts of heroism in my 13 years of military service and I have many years to go. I hope to bring my leadership to the battlefield. I really enjoy playing with individuals that have a sense of teamwork and objectives. So I hope to fight alongside you all as I have in real Combat a many of times
8. Do you have any referral(s)? If so, name them.I do have many referrals but unfortunetly I killed them all in Iraq. LOL. No I do not I'm sorry
9. Do you have a method to communicate with and to the clan? (Via msn, mic on PS3 etc.)I do have a MIC
*By posting this application, I agree to the clan rules, and agree to try my best at all times. I will listen to my commanding officers and will not let my squad down.