1. MAG - http://forums.mag.com/mag/
2. Star Wars The Old Republic - http://www.swtor.com/
3. StarCraft II - http://www.starcraft2.com/
4. Modern Warfare 2 - http://modernwarfare2.infinityward.com/
5. APB - http://www.apb.com/
Yeah, but by the time I get my computer back they'll probably release it (Yes, I'm grounded from my computer that long)King_Cody7 wrote:free i dont think blizard is working on another MMO quite yet, theyre just finishing up WoW Cataclysm, and they also got to release StarCraft 2 sometime in 2010 so we will have to wait a bit to see what next comes rolling through their doors.
Eliteassassin479 wrote:nightmare, u should have jsut edited ur post, dont make a new post for every revision
Eliteassassin479 wrote:off topic, but i heard that TFU is getting trophies, that will give me a reason to play it again